
Price list valid from 1. 7. 2022​

Student accommodation

Price during the acad. year (apartment 3-6) 4.500 CZK / month
Price during the acad. year (apartment 1-2) 5.000 CZK / month
Price per night for a visiting person 400 CZK / person
Refundable deposit 1 month rent / person
Storno fee 30 days before the start of 50 % of the monthly rent
  14 days before the start of 100 % of the monthly rent

* For accommodated students throughout the year when occupying the entire room, i.e. 2 beds (bed linen not included)


Short – term accommodation

Price of short-term accommodation 800 CZK / room
 - Check IN starts at 4 PM
 - Check OUT before 10 AM
Cancellation fee no


Services and fees

Washing machine without detergent from 1.11.2019 80 CZK
Washing machine with detergent 1.11.2019 100 CZK
Dryer from 1.11.2019 40 CZK / 40 min
Steam iron, vacuum cleaner 100 CZK / day
Linen rental no
TV cable connection (68 channels) 150 Kč / apartment / month
Pet in the room no*
One-off cleaing service upon request 1.500 CZK
Window cleaning service 300 CZK / window
Maintenance work (every started hour) 300 CZK
Entry chip 200 CZK
Insurance no
False fire alarm fee 1.000 CZK
Fire alarm tempering fee 1.000 CZK
Security service intervention 1.500 CZK / Alarm

*Available based on mutual agreement.


Other fees

Any loss or damage caused at Kolej Jinak is to be charged at the current cost of repair or refurbishment.


Other Payments

Booking cancellation without check-in Deposit
Late payment of the rent 10 CZK per every day of delay
Less serious violation of the rules of accommodation 500 CZK
Repeated or serious violation of the rules of accommodation 1.000 kč + conditional eviction from premises
Unannouced accommodation of a foreign person in the room 2.000 CZK
Premature end of stay 2 months notice period
Failure to perform cleaning upon termination of accommodation Deposit
Room not made vacant on departure date monthly rent

* Cancellation fee applies to discounted and standard“ accommodation for which refunable deposit has been paid.


Use of appliances owned by residents

It is possible to use your own electric appliances, but these must comply with safety standars. Each owner of an appliance is responsible for its safety.

Prohibited appliances

  • Fridge without energy efficiency class tag

  • Heater

  • Fryer

  • appliances with power input over 2000W